Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lucky Bamboo Meaning: Number of Stalks

Much of the luck that is associated with bamboo comes from the number of stalks bunched together or woven together into an arrangement. The number of stalks determines the kinds of energy the plant attracts into your home and life. The more stalks in the planter, the greater the blessing of good fortune and luck.

Lucky Log

This is a certain kind of bamboo that looks like a log with no roots. You'll want to place one end in water so it can grow leaves and continuously produce new leaves. Lucky log bamboo is symbolic of a strong life that’s filled with prosperity. This plant is a favorite for businesses to give as gifts, especially to other companies since it promises to keep the business growing. Some varieties produce fragrant white flowers in addition to the healthy green leaves.

Two Bamboo Stalks

People often send two stalks of bamboo as an expression of love. This number also is said to double your luck.

Each curve takes 18 months to create.

Three Bamboo Stalks

The plant of three bamboo stalks is one of the most favorite number combinations to have in your home.

It brings three kinds of luck to you:

  • Happiness – Fu
  • Long Life – Soh
  • Wealth – Lu
    • Especially career-related income such as a promotion

Four Bamboo Stalks

In the Chinese language, the word used as four sounds very similar to the word used for death. The number four has the same kind of connotation and draws sha (negative) energy. You’ll never find a four-stalked bamboo plant in the Chinese culture; much less ever give one for a gift. To do so is extremely rude and would be interpreted that you're giving the recipient a death wish.

Five Bamboo Stalks

With this number there's one stalk for every area of your life that can bring you wealth. The overall energy attracted to a five bamboo stalk plant is one of health which is needed to benefit from any of the five areas of your life. You'll want to have a healthy career, healthy relationships, etc. The five-stalk bamboo reinforces each of the five areas of your life that can influence the level of wealth for each area.

Five Areas of Life:

  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Physical
  • Intuitive

Six Bamboo Stalks

Six in the Chinese language also sounds like the word luck. Six stalks of bamboo attracts prosperity and advantages to achieve greater wealth.

Seven Bamboo Stalks

Seven stalks of bamboo bestows good health to you.

Eight Bamboo Stalks

Once more the Chinese language plays a big part in this number’s law of attraction. Eight sounds like the word used for grow or thrive. Eight stalks also improves fertility.

Nine Bamboo Stalks

This is the symbol for good luck and bestows great luck to whoever receives a nine stalk plant.

Ten Bamboo Stalks

If you have a ten-stalk bamboo arrangement then the wish for you is to feel complete and complacent. The hope is that you find your life to be perfect. The sender want you to have everything in life just as you envision and desire.

Twenty-One Bamboo Stalks

If someone has gifted you with a plant with this number of bamboo stalks, then the well wishes for you and your family are being delivered in a very powerful overall blessing for great wealth and enduring health.

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